Search Engine Optimization For All

SEO is the most effective and most common thing to boost your web site

Internet Marketing

Something tells us you’re just … well … smarter than most people looking to market online..

Social Media

Social Media is best way to promoting your site or your content and get more traffic..


Search engines are unique in the way they provide services to targeted traffic - people are always looking for what you offer.


The world of SEO is complex, but most people can easily understand the basics. Even a small amount of knowledge can make a big difference..


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

3 Ways Images Perks Up Your Social Media Marketing

The social web is morphing again just when the marketers thought that they have mastered the art of social media marketing.

Today the social media has changed a lot. It is all about images. Yes, visual sharing has increased through platforms like Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr. They are rising in popularity, while Facebook continues to revamp its Web and mobile feeds to concentrate on more than 300 million photos their member upload every day.

To succeed in social media marketing, brands are now moving beyond the text-based posts to develop an image-driven strategy. They are concentrating on integrating photos, logos, and graphics into their social content programs.

As a marketer, how can you popularize the use of brand images in social marketing? Do you know some of the proven tactics to incorporate images into your social content? How can you track down the impact of image-based posts on brand reach, sales, and collection of marketing ROI?

Image driven marketing is a fresh tactics, and the marketers have to excavate a lot on them. Yet, they can start it to stay ahead in the competition. Try these 3 tested ways to integrate images in social media marketing campaigns.

·       Selecting images that are easy to share

Best brand images are those that are easy to share. Identifying the easy shareable images guarantees the success of visual marketing program. Check out the company's vast repository of images - images, product photos, logos, and graphics. It must have a wide appeal so the images must be funny, beautiful, interesting, touching, and fascinating.

Do analyze the social pages and check out what type of visual fan post shared on the social platforms. Do keep a tab on the type of images shared on different networks. Like an online store of sports accessories at Facebook, share photos of Swimmers, Everest climbers, whereas in Pinterest they will use the images of the jacket, shoes, and gloves of the particular brand. See the social media metrics to find which ad campaigns appeals the most and promote images through these campaigns.

·        Regular posting on the visual networks

Majority of the brand are present on Facebook and Twitter, but do you have accounts on Pinterest, Tumblr, and Instagram? Facebook is getting tough compete from the image driven website and are becoming highly popular among the Millennial.

To get the better ROI out of your brand visuals, make sure that they reach to a wider audience. Add notes and comments to keep your customers engaged. Choose high quality shareable images that "speak for themselves." InfoTrends say that visual processes 60,000 times faster in the brain than text.


     Measuring and monitoring your social sharing patterns

Do you know it is important to share patterns of your brand images? You have to keep your approach challenging since most of the social media monitoring tools track only text keywords in posts and tags. Thus, this makes it easier for you to track social-sharing patterns and their ability to drive the market ROI.
Challenge lies in the factor where customers post millions of images every day. Customers do not tag the image, which they post at times. Therefore, you have to an use image re cognition technology to search images that refers your brand.

Social media monitoring companies have started to pair up with image recognition companies to add this feature in the operations. You have a risk in not monitoring the images. Consumers at times might post your images in negative sense and post images of fake products. Find those images to protect your brand image online.

The social media is all about images nowadays. If you are restricting your brand from the use of images, then you are missing a big customer engagement and increased sales graph.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Top 100 Tips for Small Business Owners – Part 4

Just had enough or do you want more? Well, I am not yet finished with my list. I have much more to impart. Yes, this is the final list of 100 SEO tips for all the small business owners who browse our blog.

Readers so here we go with our final list and ideas. Best of luck and improve your SEO techniques every day.

Here are the rest 25 SEO Tips coming your way:

76. Do Not Need To Submit Your Website To The Search Engines – Search Engines you often browse or where your want to rank your website, have evolved beyond the technique to notify as soon as a new website or page is created, so get into the trend.

77. Set Up a Google Plus Page – Doing so will improve the ranking and image in Google and builds trust in order to rank your localized keywords.

78. Remove Those Merge or Add To Pages – If you have a number of content-light pages, with shorter page view times, this may result in poor keyword ranking. So try to avoid this tactic.

79. Start Making Videos – This will make you get a good search visit ration and as the stay time of your visitor on the page increases. Even you can get a good link through video sharing sites.

80. Go Visual – Start creating charts, graphs, Infographics, slideshows, podcasts as visual content are much more appealing than the plain written content. In such cases, you can use a stale content to give a fresh look these visual tactics.

81. Increase Quantity Of Contents – Besides increasing the quality of your content, you need to increase their quantity to increase visitors and sales. Search engines rewards those websites who have a host of good quality 
content and the quantity too. (Mashable, Search Engine Journal, SEOMoz etc)

82. Juxtapose Balancing Content with Marketing Content – If you are going to create content that too without marketing, then people will face a hard time finding your website. If they cannot find it, how will they link or share?

83. Use Google Keyword ToolTo have a good list of words and phrases you can use this tool or may generate some good ideas on which words to use and which to not.

84. Long-Tail Keywords Are in Trend – Do you know it is pretty cheap and easy to rank long-tail keywords? More than 40% of the searches in popular Search Engines have four to five words. Move with the trend use long-tail keywords.

85. Add the Keywords in Their Appropriate Places – Yes, you have to take care of them position and placement. Include them in your URLs, title, Meta descriptions, header tags and image alt tags.

86. Remember Backlinking Affects ranking – Do you know the number and the quality of your links points whether the website will rank good or bad?

87. Good Link, which Competitors Already Have – If someone of your readers or viewers has already linked you to your competitor, then there is a chance that he or she may do the same. Obviously, you have to give them a good reason to do so.

88. Use Branded Backlinks – You need to acquire many branded links like ‘Company Name’ and ‘’ to send signals to search engines which you use for link building.

89. Get to Know Your Linker – Just go to ‘Traffic’ under Google Webmaster Tools and then go to ‘Links’ to check how many sites are linking to you and find out the type and category as well as a value of those websites.

90. Contact Relevant Small Business Website Owners – In order to promote a good relationship with each other try to make SEO simpler and cheaper for you as well as for them.

91. Ranks Are Deceptive – Do not go by the first page ranking, ultimately ranking does not convert to visitor number or sales.

92. What Will You Choose WWW or WWW Make sure that the website is set to load in either of the case or – not both.

93. Have a Flat Website Structure – Make sure that any page of your website gets easy access with three clicks from your homepage.

94. Rich Snippets – With rich snippets, you will get additional data about your site and feed them to the search engines to improve your site appearance in search results.

95. 301 Redirects – If you are able to change the URL but do not redirect to the old URL to the new one, any link pointing to you old website URL will be wasted.

96. Have a Proper 404-Error Page – Linking the best content from the 404 page must be impressive, so that the visitors who see it do not stop visiting your page.

96. Have a Mobile Friendly Website – Your website needs to have a simple structure so that Smartphone or tablet users can browse it while on moving.

97. Have a Check on the Browser and Screen Resolution Compatibility - Your website needs to run perfectly in every web browser - Chrome, IE, Safari, Firefox etc. and the screen resolution should be 1366×768, 1024×768, 800×600 etc.

98. Increase the Website Loading Speed – For this, you might use the Google’s Site Speed Tool  and implement the suggestions provided.

99. Use Reliable Web Hosting Company – The websites keyword ranking may degrade if your site becomes regularly inaccessible, so have an access validate web-hosting company to keep upgrading your website.

100. Last but Not the Least, Get Advice from an SEO Consultant – If you have a question on any SEO processes ask it in some online SEO forums or contact a reliable SEO Consultant firm today.

Phew! I just finished the list of 100 SEO tips in four parts, now I may take a deep breath. Hope in these four weeks or may be a little more I have explained the SEO journey for the beginner as well for the experts. Hope to energize you in the next article similarly.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Top 100 SEO Tips For Small Business Owners - Part 3

The weeks were quite upturned  They moved away so fast. Sorry my dear readers I just took a short break but now I am back again. I just remembered that I have to finish the chart that I was sharing.

No way, I had never forgotten about that.

As I am back today, I am going to share more 25 SEO tips for small business owners to set their SEO campaigns on fire. Therefore, here it is.

51. Have Unique Titles for Every Page

Remember that just within 65 characters, you have to make the topic of the page clear, to both humans and search engines.

52. Before Optimizing Research on the Keywords
Choosing the wrong keyword will hurt your business website. It is better to research on the keyword. See how much popularity they have online and thus put them into use. Getting few visitors will not convert into good sales.

53. Get Keyword Ideas from Others

You have easy access to business of many customers, suppliers, friends and partners, associate with them. Check what changes they harp on and keyword they feel like suiting your website. Try to incorporate those changes to get a better search engine ranking.

54. Focus on Relevant Keywords

If you are able to hot the relevant keywords, then it becomes quicker and easier for you to make them rank. You will be able to get a higher percentage of buyers from them.

55. Lay Stress on the Keywords with Commercial Objective

You will love to have those visitors who will spend money for you, than those who are just searching or gathering information. So it is important to look for the commercial keywords in order to make profits through proper sale.

56. One Page for One Keyword

This process will help you to make it simpler for the search engines top categorize and rank the pages.

57. Avoid Keyword Stuffing

This is the reason for which most of the websites gets a penalty from Google through their random updates. If you use keywords phrase repeatedly in a single page, you are surely going to suffer a website succumb.

58. Do Not Pre-Set the Backlink Target

Link building is such an option that you need to be steady in approach. Be more consistent, keep the process on-going and stop when you reach a desired number. So not make targets from the beginning as it may hurt your website.

59. Have Backlinks from Relevant Sources

If you want to have relevant result for each keywords in the search engine pages, then have a strong signal and make sure that your site is relevant.

60. Work for High Quality Links

If it is easy enough to gain a link, then it is of less value. When it is hard to achieve a link, more valuable it is.

61. Stay Away From the Link Networks

If you think that benefits of link networks are ample, then you are wrong. Getting links from the network is low, and the risk of being penalty doubles and you lose your rank.

62. Stretch Your Backlink Profile
This is the process of getting different types of links from a wide range of IP address. You will thus tend to get relevant and trusted backlinks for your website.

63. Sign Up in Ahrefs, Majestic SEO or Open Site Explorer

By registering yourself here, you will get access to extensive backlink data for your website as well as your competitor’s website.

64. Comment on Other’s Blogs

If you can comment on other and trusted blogs, then you will slowly develop a relationship. Both the site owner and the visitor to that the site will start knowing you, which will bring positive traffic to your website.

65. Talk to Bloggers of the Same Niche

If you come across a relevant blog owner via social sites, forums, email etc, try to strengthen your relationship. This will more likely help you to get a link to your site and people will start sharing your contents.

66. Press Release, a Good Option to Share News and Opinions

If you want to keep your content move in a flow and keep on getting links from sites outside the industry then start writing PR’s.

67. Put the Address and Phone Number in Your Website

As soon as you provide the address and phone number to your visitors through the website, chances to build trust and gain superior rankings amplify. Especially when you are targeting keywords that contain your city or towns name.

68. Have Your Name in the Local Directory

It is important to get your name in the local directory. I am not talking about all, rather take the top 10 and register soon.

69. Ask Your Customer to Leave Reviews On Google+ and Local Directories

If you start getting positive reviews through the local directories, then it is surely going to improve your ranking in Google local listing.

70. Have Social Sharing Buttons

You need to add social sharing buttons to your website pages. This will help the visitors to share content easily wherever they want.

71. Social Media and SEO are Different

You have to understand this clearly that social strategy and SEO strategy are two different things. If you cannot distinguish both, then you might hurt your website ranking.

72. Search Engines Is Going To Rank Webpages and Not Websites

Try to understand this fact by now that a page ranks for a particular keyword depending on the quality of that page and not the website as a whole.

73. It Is Possible For Small Business to Rank High Than Big Daddies

It is possible for a small business website page to rank much faster than a big business, so SEO for small business has an eminent reason to try.

74. Try to Know Where You Stand

If you are using the Google Webmaster Tools, then go to ‘Traffic’ and ‘Search Queries’ to check where your website is ranking for a different set of keywords.

75. Try to Rank among Top 3 and Not Just Top 10

Do not opt for just top 10 position try to become the top 3 for a keyword then you can get a small percentage of traffic from searches of that keyword.

More 25 tips to go! So hold your breath till you ride the last cruise of SEO tips.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Top 100 SEO Tips For Small Business Owners – Part 2

In the previous list, we just shared 25 ideas to channelize SEO of your business website. Yes, SEO is the most essential aspect that you need to maintain in order to make your website established in the digital marketing arena.

You will come across myriad of options to test drive the SEO proposition of your website but which one is important which one is less important, is hard to distinguish at times.

Here are scoops of 25 more SEO tips coming ahead. Do you want to know what they are? Then go ahead read them now!

26.Web Traffic - How Important It Is?

Why do you generally use SEO, well to trap traffic in a large quantity? Without a good number of people viewing your site, you won’t get the right exposure. You need to realize the importance of the website traffic. Thus, realize the importance of the internet traffic to experience a different SEO luxury.

26.Be Choosy About Your Domain Name

Do you know when it comes to selection of domain names you have to be little careful and selective? You have to choose a domain name related to the niche you deal. It makes it easier for the recall your website.

27.Get A Strong Position For Your Keyword

To get success in the online marketing you have to establish the main keyword of your website. If you are able to do that then you can optimize the webpage easily. If possible, use it in your domain name also.

28.Do You Know Who Your Tough Competitor Is?

You have to get ahead of your tough contender and hence you have to know the man or woman behind. If you want to pass them you have to do a lot of research, so that you can take advantage of the techniques.

29.Use Of Pay Per Click

If you have the monetary support to carry both SEO and PPC, then try to do both. PPC is costly, as you will get visitors straight from the website for any keywords that you want.

30.Take Care Of The SEO Quality

Do you know the low quality of the backlinks or the low quality on-site content can penalize your site by the popular Search Engines? So take care of the quality work done.

31.Authorship Of Your Contents

With Google Authorship, you get the ability to claim contents, articles, blogs that you have created. Those who have registered with Google Authorship they get an Authorship Snippet in the SERP.

32.Content Appears On The 1st Page

If the content that you produce cannot compete contents in the first page for a keyword, then your site does not justify ranking there.

33.Engaging Contents Is A Necessity

If you can provide engaging content to your website then you will be able to receive viewers, who will spend maximum time on your site. These viewing times will send the signal to the search engines and your site will deserve a good ranking.

34.Content Marketing Hits Readers And Not Search Engines

Just don’t waste your time creating content that does not serve the purpose of your readers. Content marketing helps to boost your business by engaging readers on interesting topics of your niche and finally persuade them to buy.

35.Get Rid Of Duplicate Contents

Search Engine will penalize you if you have a similar kind of content on your website. So remove them fast, rather just now.

36.Borrowing Contents From Other’s Websites

If you copy contents from other’s website then the Search Engines degrades the value of your website. So restrain yourself from copying contents.

37.Follow Up The Google Changes And Traits

As all knows Google changes their Algorithm often, it crosses almost 500 changes in a single year. You have to keep a tab on all of them and update your website according to it.

38. Stress on Internal Linking

If you want to maintain the flow of your page rank then you need to give a strategic thought to the internal linking especially in global navigation.

39.Naah...You Should Not Buy Links

You should never buy links. It is a prestigious option hence you should always earn it.

40.Remove The Weakest Link

Do you know every website has a weak link? It is important for the Search Engine Optimizer to locate the weakest link and remove. You have to keep on repeating this practice until it becomes perfect ‘T”.

41.Take Care Of The Meta Descriptions

As Google cuts off the Meta Description around 156 characters, so it is necessary to design them according to your website preference, keyword value and visibility.

42.Link Placement Should Be Strategic

When we talk about links, we have to make sure that where we are linking. A link in the middle paragraph of your content has more value that the link in the side or bottom of the page. A link at the top is stronger than link below the content.

43.Host A Blog For Your Website

Having a blog will help you to add new pages of content to your website.

44. Write For Other’s Blog As Guest

Guest Posting is the right term to define the point. People will automatically link back to your website if you provide unique and quality content that is appropriate for their website niche.

45.Interlinking Of Home Page To Most Important Pages

This is a strategy that most of the people like to adopt while doping SEO.  Interlinking the home page to the important pages of your blog or website helps to improve the rankings of the particular page.

46.Remove Those Unnecessary Links

You need to link those pages in other’s websites that will solve the queries of your visitors. If it does not interest them, then they are not going to peep back on your website.

47.Interlinking Co-Bloggers

If you want people to link back to your site, you need to do the same. This will make you gain their notice and thus have a fair chance of linking back.

48.Have Relevant Websites To Contact

You need to grow a good relationship with the other small businesses, promote each other’s site, thus making SEO simpler and cheaper.

49.Call Up To Build Good Relationship

Emails is a faster and cheapest way to contact, but there are chances that prospects may ignore them, so try to call the possible prospect.

50.Get Personal Like The Big Daddies

Reflect your personality and individuality through the off-site SEO process like emails, guest post, etc. Make others feel interested in engaging or contacting you.

Here are more 25 from our SEO magical bag. Wait for more 50 in the next two post coming right up in the next few weeks!!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Top 100 SEO Tips For Small Business Owners

You might have come across many a reputed blog who imparts careful advice to make your small business website successful. In order to rank comparatively well in the SERP you have to adopt the proper SEO techniques. Big companies do have big budgets for their SEO, but small business owners cannot adopt such a large budget.

Does that mean small business owners will resent the use of SEO? Just because SEO is expensive, they will leave their own share of online profits. Legendary Whitetails, Dog Pack Snacks, Chocolate for Breakfast is some well-known small businesses that have earned both name and fame with proper SEO. Do you think that they had big budgets in the beginning?

No, they never had that most were actually home-based or family owned business. Take for example The Chicken Chick at Egg Carton Labels by ADozenGirlza retailer of chicken egg carton labels. Imagine how the owner made it popular.

However, we are taking help of SMO (social media optimization) but having a proper SEO will let you get a pull towards the SMO platforms in a better way.

So let me share some exciting SEO tips to make your small business a well-known brand among the competitors. 

Here We Go. Fasten Your Seat Belt, 100 Tips Comes Ahead! 

Wait! 100 in one day, no chance. I am going to share the list in four parts for better accuracy and application in your daily life.

Today take a sip of 25 SEO tips for your small business website!

1. Do SEO Regularly - Are you doing SEO? NO (how shocking!). If you do not do it then the website will have no visitors from the search engines. 

2. Stress on the Key Phrases - Focus on the search of new key phrases, which we call the long tail keywords. Find those keywords that are relevant to your business. 

3. Use Both On-Page and Off-Page Optimization - Achieve better results by doing both on-page and off-page SEO. 

4. Chuck Out Competitors Phrases - Keep a close eye on the keyword and phrases your competitor is using and try to set a different set of keyword to make your approach unique. This will let you rank higher than the competitors.

5. Simple and Navigable Website – You have to retain a clean and simple small business website. Choose a search-engine friendly CMS. This allows the search engine crawlers to rank and index pages, makes the site attractive, navigable and encourages them to stay longer and click through. 

6. Which Keywords Sets the Competition on Fire? – Search for the sites that are ranking in the first page of the popular search engines like Goggle, Bing, and Yahoo. Look which keywords are helping them to enjoy such an ensuing position, use them on-site and off-site to climb the summit.

7. Similar SEO Strategy May Not Work For You – An SEO strategy that has worked for one website may not work for you, since two websites have many variables to face.

8. Expensive SEO Does Not Always Brings Results – Yes, people if you are a small business owner, then it is obvious that you are having a small budget. To get big and genuine result one does not need to have a big budget. You need to invest your precious time in creating good content and building online relationship.

9. Share Information through Web Channels – Submit the information of your website content like articles and blogs to web directories, online groups, forums etc to increase the site relevance.

10. SEO Results Are Not Instantaneous – If you expect that if you start SEO from today, you will get a big bag of benefit by tomorrow, well then let me tell you it is not the way SEO works. It follows the Aesop’s Moral Lessons “Slow and Steady Wins the Race”. SEO work done today may accredit you by upcoming week or months. 

11. Grow Your Patience – Is your website new? Then it is tough to build the SEO relationship faster. To develop both authority and trust you have to grow your patience. 

12. Get Serious With the MetaTags - Make sure that MetaTags reflects the keywords and phrases of your site content, so that it becomes easily navigable and ranks higher in the SERPs.

13. Algorithm Updates – As search engines evolves out most of the time, so get conscious and adapt to the algorithm updates to retain the good rankings. 

14. Get Experts Advice – Guys this is serious, when you think to make something constructive you have to seek expert’s opinion. Check out the Webmaster Guidelines and Webmaster Help Videos for reference, after you begin your small business SEO.

15. Title Tags Reflecting Your Business - Make sure to use those kinds of title tags that reflects the insight of your business and match with the key phrases. Keep the title tags within 70 characters. 

16. Risking Your Goggle Penalties – Will you like your website to face the Google Penalties? Of course not, if you become a target them you will encounter a huge loss of visitor to your site. 

17. Optimize the Location – It is important from the day you start SEO for your website. Local SEO helps to bring business closer and relevant to your market targeting those people who have high chances of conversion.

18. Google Places and Google Maps – Make sure that you have your own claim to the Google Places Listing and a Google Map Listing for your small business website. 

19. Start Using Google Webmaster Tools – To finds out what keywords helps your website to rank and, which other sites links to your websites. 

20. Start Using Google Analytics – In order to find out how many visitors comes to your website daily, the keywords they use daily to search your website, what pages they visit, for all this you need to start using Google Analytics. 

21. Diversify the Traffic Source – Google is an exciting source of traffic generation but if you rely on it by 100% then there are chances to fall in a vulnerable state.  

22. Compelling Content is All You Need – Writing content on specific keywords id good, but with search engine crawlers are getting updated. They like to index pages with informative contents. Lower the keyword density to avoid being tagged as spam. Quality content is able to engage the larger audience.

23. Register Yourself with Major Search Engines- In some parts of United States, Canada, most of Europe and some parts of Asia Google registers a website after they get a postcard from the various website to register it. If your business is not on this location, then find out what are the major search engines in your country and get registered. 

24. You are Solely Responsible for All Actions on Your Website – Search Engine won’t exempt you from a penalty, since you were not aware or you were not knowing the specifications. The website is yours, and the SEO strategy implemented must be known to you. 

25. Your Website is Never Finished – As soon as you start getting high ranks in the SERPs do not stop improving your website. Keep on implementing new and exciting feeds to let it improve in the upcoming days. Thus retaining higher page rank in the search engines.  

Huh, it’s just 25, and more 75 to go. Hold your breath till we come up with the next set of 25 SEO tips.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

“Long Tail Keywords” – What Are They?

Do you want to reach a targeted set of traffic and conversions? What do you need?

Well, the answer is hidden in the title itself.  It is the use of long tail keywords, which SEO experts adopt often to rank higher in the SERPs.

People who are into the digital marketing or prefer to use SEO for their business website have a common thought. SEO is the process to please, and a get a higher rank in the Google, Bing, Yahoo, AOL, Ask and other popular search engines.

Is it so easy to get a higher rank in the search engines? 


You need to do a lot of keyword research to please the search engines. What are KEYWORDS?

Keywords are nothing but the actual key phrases or search terms that people types into the search boxes to find out something suitable for them. With the keyword research you can find keywords that are –

·         Popular – one which can pull a huge crowd

·         Less Competitive – that can easily rank and hardly used by other users

Now coming to the main discussion - What is a long tail keyword? 

Long Tail Keywords are coagulation of certain SEO related words or phrase that can contain more than three words. These phrases are hardly searched by users. Say you are searching for good Tablets (commonly called TABS), what will you type in the search box? Generally, you type:
  • Tablets
  • Where to get cheap tablets
  • Samsung/ Dell/ LG/ LENOVO/ Apple tablets
  • Buy tablets on EMI
  • Features of the best tablets
  • How to buy a tablet online
It is not the use of three or more keywords that have assigned the name to these new keyword research technique, it is more because their number of searches is more, compared to the smaller ones. 

Look at the blog in MOZ for further reference:

Why we are asking to use long tail keywords in your search engine optimization? Wondering why?

The popular keywords are generic and short and they are competent enough as all tries to get a number of searches through them. Those keywords at the same time are hard to keep in rank or appear in the 1st page of the popular search engine like Google, Bing or AOL.

Big companies love to invest a lot in the SEO just to make their website rank better than their rivals and that too with keywords that are unique and easily gets a good SERP. Small business owners often lag behind and they do not have the high budget to maintain such a costly SEO team.

Small business owners in that case can use the long tail keywords and trust me you won’t be drained out of keywords. The stock of long-tail keywords is immense. Only drawback is that long tail keywords have less number of searches compared to the short keywords.

However, do you know combining those short keywords you can frame long keywords and thus rank relatively in an easy manner? Your ROI is going to be great in that case.

This article is the general introduction to the definition or description of long tail keywords. It has been famous for some days after the series of Google updates. We will be coming up with our next articles on the advantages of long tail keywords in SEO for both small and big business owners.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Increasing Business Sales via Successful Online Marketing

This is a guest post by Bob Willis, check it out to explore fascinating ideas to get success in online marketing.

Traffic to your website can be regular. However, are you converting that interest into actual sales to make your business more productive? Many websites rank high in search engines and get regular traffic too, but achieves low conversion rates when it comes to making online sales!

There are numerous reasons for this; from pricing and product to navigation and so on. Issues may be various, but it encourages site visitors to purchase from your website, its well laid-out with a precise message. Keep in mind that if the web-visitors find your website tacky and can't find what they want instantly, they will go somewhere else and won't come back, ultimately causing no profit to your website.

Impact of internet marketing:

However, thanks to the internet, today the concept of online marketing has surely become a broadly used technique to market or promote business websites. Thanks to such augment in this practice. Of late numerous ways have evolved in order to market online successfully, in comparison to the conventional ways of marketing.

Apart from that modern online marketing tools vary significantly from various conventional ways of marketing. Search has become one of the most frequently used ways for customers to find what they want.

Benefits of SEO or search engine optimization

It has become a common practice by business owners with websites to get business online. The website owners make available all the pertinent information about the company, its products, services and other offerings to the viewers by effectively using various online marketing tools like SEO or search engine optimization, ‘pay per click’ and so on.

Searching and browsing online is the most common activity nowadays, in consequence, search marketing is an extensively recognized way of reaching out to customers on the internet.

A number of people when looking out for a particular product or service use search as an initial tool, hence, a good traffic website serves the purpose in a very cost effective and valuable method. However, while increasing business through website, it is very vital to bear in mind what exactly is the relevant target audience to drive more and more traffic through your website.

Benefits of online marketing

Integrated marketing is valuable for any small or big business companies as it is one of the most influential ways to run a business effortlessly and efficiently so that life becomes simpler for the client as well as the service provider.

Thanks to the online marketing services provided by the SEO companies, one can easily boost their online marketing to add more profit to their business. The process includes all the marketing techniques and strategies in one service.

One of the biggest benefits of using online marketing to enhance your business sales is that here all the social media marketing campaigns are used with great success. Best part of all online marketing strategies consist of websites, email, newsletters, search engine optimization, and pay-per-click advertising that can do wonder to take your online business to a new level.

Bottomline Says...

In the recent business scenario, online marketing has become the ultimate marketing tool for most of the businesses. In upcoming years, this new concept will only grow to greater heights and there is no doubt that online marketing will boost your business sales like never before.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Breaking News - Google Is Updating Panda….SSSSHHHH it’s Hidden This Time!

News to break you up surely!

Oops! Google strikes again, just pull on your socks; I have something shocking to share. This time a ten-day Panda update is going to take place. The Panda update commenced on 18th July. However, we know that Google releases their updates often within day or two. However, this time it is a little trickier. They launched the update in a silent manner.

While checking out the popular SEO websites and blog we came across Search Engine Journal who confirmed the update of Panda in next 10 days.

Matt Cutts says that he is going to share an update every month for a period of ten days to lessen the burden on the webmasters. Now it is going to have a disadvantage it will make the thing more difficult for the webmasters to determine which one is an update, and which one is a normal fluctuation.

Do You Want To Know How Google Is Going To Keep You On Your Toe?

·         Some of the major informational sites like Wikipedia are having a large impact. Actually, the authority sites are getting more importance in the search engine results.

·         There are some of the prominent webmasters who have clearly stated that Google + is going to have a positive impact on the search engine ranking of the respective websites. People visiting the Google + often will be rewarded. However, it is yet to prove as some have benefited from their use and others have nothing to comment on it. See the study by Search Metrics on the SERP trends in 2013.

·         Well the third assumption is that the number of impressions has grown and the number of CTR is remaining the same.

Visit Google’s Webmaster Tools now for further details!

Arrrggghhh! What We Gonna Do??

1. Gosh, we have been saying a lot of time in our article and blogs about the use of Google Authorship. If you have not yet enabled them, then go for it now. It is very simple to use and if you are not using them, you are missing something big in the path.

2. Have a Google + account and a Google+ business page. It’s time to get social buddy. Start adding people to your circles. Post content that seems to be meaningful. For sustaining in the industry for a longer time, share reliable source of information (practically good information).

Today it is 25th July, more three days in hand. However, it is Panda update having a soft impact on the SERPs, but look. If you are still dabbling in black-hat SEO practices, you are going to view much impact from now.

Are you still wondering how Panda update will affect your website and the SERPs? Well, wait and watch, three days to go… the clock is ticking! Tick..tock…tick..tock…